Have on Hand: socks, yarn, felt, glue, paper bags, tongue depressors, fairy tale books
Boredom Buster Description: What better way to combat boredom than make a puppet show. Make puppets from socks, paper bags, or sticks and paper. Fairy tales are a great place to start for the story telling part. Read a simple story, like The 3 Bears, or the 3 Billy Goats Gruff and retell the story with puppets. Invite a friend to watch or help with the telling.
Boredom Buster Bio: As a child, my friends and I spent the summers entertaining each other with puppet plays. I highly recommend it for bumping boredom out of the house. Judith Snyder is the author of What Do You See? Check out her web site for activities that compliment her book: http//:judithsnyderwrites.com
Thank you, Judith Snyder, for this great idea!

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