Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dog Messenger

Have on Hand:  
A good-natured dog
Dog treats
Paper and pens

 Boredom Buster Description:      This is my 9-year-old daughter’s idea and it has been wildly successful for beating boredom when we’re stuck indoors.  Unfortunately, you do need a willing dog on hand (I suppose you could attempt to substitute a cat or toddler, but I can’t guarantee your results).  To begin, gather your paper, pens, and dog treats.  Divide supplies equally among all people participating.  Explain to your child that you will be sending a note, and that the dog will be the messenger.  Your child needs to go to another part of the house (preferably a different floor or different room). Then write a note to your child, roll it up, and tuck it into the dog’s collar.  Be sure to tuck a dog treat under the dog’s collar as well.  Call loudly to your child, “Call the dog to you now!”  After the dog delivers the note, then your child needs to give the dog a treat (as a “tip”).  Then your child should write an answer to your note, tuck it into the dog’s collar, and tuck in a
 dog’s treat.  Now you call the dog.  Repeat until one of you gets tired (in my experience it’s usually the dog who wants to give up first).

Helpful hints: For best results, make sure you write questions that require answers.  Multiple-choice questions are fun too, such as choices for the “lunch menu.”

Boredom Buster Bio:      Elaine Walsh is a part time English instructor and a full time mom.  She lives in Washington Park with her husband, 4th grade daughter, and Standard Poodle.  She enjoys reading, cooking, eating, writing, walking in the park, and playing games with family and friends.

Thank you,  Elaine Walsh, for this GREAT idea!


  1. Ozzie would absolutely love this game!!! I think that Max will love it too!!!

  2. Ha ha! I thought of Ozzie when I first read this idea. But would his owner be good-natured and cooperative enough?
