Friday, January 27, 2012

Pipe Cleaner Palooza!

Have on Hand:    The only thing you need is a bag of pipe cleaners (under $5 at any craft store). Pony beads are optional.

Boredom Buster Description:   When my 4-year-old and I get antsy, we pull out a bag of pipe cleaners.  Pipe cleaners allow my son to use his creativity and imagination without the use of electronics.  You simply pull the pipe cleaners out of the box and then bend and twist to make shapes.  We've made animals, letters, helicopters, and bracelets.  If you choose to include pony beads (or any other beads that are easy for little fingers), pipe cleaners are perfect for stringing beads. You can easily twist one end so no beads can fall off. Then let your child string as many beads as her or she wants.  When your child is finished, show them how to twist the two ends of the pipe cleaners together and Voila! you have a bracelet or necklace. These make great preschool teacher gifts.

This activity also comes in handy in a quiet atmosphere, such as a school event, church meeting, or restaurant. Just keep a small bag of pipe cleaners in your purse and you are good to go!

One word of caution -- the wire ends sticking out of pipe cleaners can be pokey. You can fold them over using tweezers or simply twist the ends before your child starts to play. Ideally, you will play with your child.

Boredom Buster Bio:  My name is Julie and I'm a mother of 3 children that teach me how to have zest for life!

Thank you, Julie Schonlau, for this great idea!


  1. You can also find neat books on how to twist these into little bunnies, dogs and other animals. Tuck a few of the photocopied pages into the baggie with the pipecleaners, and you're good to go!

  2. Oh cool. Didn't know such books existed.
