Boredom Buster Description: Kids can design magazine mosaics to create beautiful vases from jars or candle holders from bottles. Here's how:
- Cut your magazine pages into 1 cm squares- guesstimating is fine.
- Mix 3 tablespoons of flour with water, that you will add slowly and stirring as you go, until you have a pancake batter consistency with your paste.
- Dip your mosaic squares into the paste or use a small paintbrush,if you don't like icky fingers.
- Press them onto your jar and repeat this and create patterns, or layers with your magazine mosaics as you go,until the whole jar or bottle is covered. Leave to dry and can then be varnished to give a shiny look.
- Younger children with less attention span developed can decorate / design on a small babyfood type jar and older children love the challenge of a larger bottle or container.
OSCAR - Out of School Care and Recreation is the best place between home and school for kiwi children aged 5 - 14 years.The OSCAR Foundation is my not for profit employer who has a mission to ensure all children have enriched childhoods. Checkout our website or look for us on our Facebook page - The OSCAR Foundation ..
Thank you, Julie King, for this great idea!

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